IMU signals

This example demonstrates how to log multi dimensional signals with the Rerun SDK, using the TUM VI Benchmark.

Background background

This example shows how to log multi-dimensional signals efficiently using the rr.send_columns() API.

The API automatically selects the right partition sizes, making it simple to log scalar signals like this:

# Load IMU data from CSV into a dataframe
imu_data = pd.read_csv(
    cwd / DATASET_NAME / "dso/imu.txt",
    sep=" ",
    names=["timestamp", "gyro.x", "gyro.y", "gyro.z", "accel.x", "accel.y", "accel.z"],

times = rr.IndexColumn("timestamp", datetime=imu_data["timestamp"])

# Extract gyroscope data (x, y, z axes) and log it to a single entity.
gyro = imu_data[["gyro.x", "gyro.y", "gyro.z"]]
rr.send_columns("/gyroscope", indexes=[times], columns=rr.Scalar.columns(scalar=gyro))

# Extract accelerometer data (x, y, z axes) and log it to a single entity.
accel = imu_data[["accel.x", "accel.y", "accel.z"]]
rr.send_columns("/accelerometer", indexes=[times], columns=rr.Scalar.columns(scalar=accel))

Running running

Install the example package:

pip install -e examples/python/imu_signals

To experiment with the provided example, simply execute the main Python script:

python -m imu_signals